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Books & Chocolate

I love to read just about anything, as long as it's fiction. I read for me - that means I read what I want, when I want. My reviews tend to mostly be based on how I'm able to personally connect with the story/characters. They are not intended to influence someone to read, or not read, a particular book. I always encourage people to take a chance and make up your own mind.


Oh, and I love chocolate.

The Cruelest Month

The Cruelest Month - Louise Penny

This is the third book in the series, and Inspector Gamache is back in Three Pines for another murder. I don't read many series where the community is just as much a key part of the overall story as the basic plot. Usually, it's too many people for me to keep track of and I prefer more streamlined stories. However, they are growing on me more and more after each book.


The ending of this one annoyed me a bit. It felt like a TV cop drama where the suspect just blurts out their guilt at the end based on lose evidence and a gut feeling from the inspector. 


The other issue I had with this one was the secondary plot going on in Gamashe's personal life. On one hand I'm glad that finally got resolved as it was starting to drag out a bit too much for me. However, it took away from the murder mystery. Many times I felt like the secondary plot was the primary and vice versa. It made me lose some interest in the 'who-done-it' for the murder mystery.