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Books & Chocolate

I love to read just about anything, as long as it's fiction. I read for me - that means I read what I want, when I want. My reviews tend to mostly be based on how I'm able to personally connect with the story/characters. They are not intended to influence someone to read, or not read, a particular book. I always encourage people to take a chance and make up your own mind.


Oh, and I love chocolate.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane

The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman

I can see how The Ocean at the End of the Lane would be a thing of magic to many readers. It's certainly well written and imaginative. And I didn't feel as though it was incomplete despite the short length. This was my first book by Gaiman, so I wasn't sure what to expect.


While I did enjoy the story, I couldn't really connect with it and I'm not sure why. I think there are layers upon layers here that I just wasn't able to uncover. I listened to it on audiobook and I'm wondering if that was part of the issue. Gaiman does a fabulous job of the narration, but I don't always fully engage in audiobooks so I might have missed a few of the hidden gems as a result.

I think I may try to read this one again (and read next time rather than listen) at a later date to see if I come away with a different perception.